Playing with Plants in Melbourne Gardens

For those with young ones, the garden can be a place that can fun or it can be dull. Parents who want to encourage their kids to get outside and play can help foster that excitement by creating a bit of fun in the garden. Kids love to tend to plants Melbourne, and they love that their efforts can produce tangible and real results. Here are a few ideas to help spark that sense of fun and excitement in the garden.


Moss grows incredibly fast and as a tool to help young ones learn about plants, it's a great plant. Kids can learn about growing and tending to moss as it grows so fast that the results are quick. While other plants can take a long time to show any sign of growth, moss can sprout within days of being fostered. A fun idea is to use moss to create a moss wall, a place where the moss is spread out in patterns and grows to create a living space to enjoy.  

Colourful Collections

Adding colour into the garden especially helps kids learn to tend and care for flowers. By planting a variety of colours in greens, blues, reds, and yellows, it brings out their creative side. They can pick the flowers and help design arrangements. It also looks fun when the contrasting colours are all growing together in the garden.


To get kids helping out with the garden, each kid can be assigned a vegetable to grow and care for. The benefit of having vegetables is that in Melbourne, plants can take a while to grow, but vegetables are relatively quick to produce. Ids can enjoy the "fruits" of their labour when they pick their hard work and everyone gets to enjoy what they have helped care for. Vegetables also help to promote a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition. Kids don't need to know that; they can just have fun eating the vegetables right off the plant.

Vines and Creepers

Vines and creepers are fun for kids because of the way they follow the paths created for them. If kids can plant vines, they can use trellis and lattice to encourage the vines and creepers to cover an area. As the vines and creepers crawl up the wall, the kids can visually see how much they've grown. An especially good vine is the passionfruit vine. It grows well, and it also produces fruit during the summer season. All Australian kids love the taste of fresh passionfruit right off the vine.

Getting kids out into the yard and into the sunlight doesn't have to be a chore. Using plants, Melbourne kids can learn and have fun at the same time. They will enjoy helping their parents out in the yard as they have their own parts of the garden to tend. This summer, the garden can become a fun and playful part for the entire family.

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